Monday, January 21, 2013


Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to be able to visit the Jr. High youth group I used to be a leader at for a few years. Not only was it great to see how some of the kids had grown both physically and spiritually, but I had the chance to be the “guest speaker” and give a 20min. talk. The following blog entry is that talk. It’s message is one that I really needed and still need for myself so I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy!


Today, I’m going to be asking you guys some important questions. But before I begin, I would like you guys to stand up, put your hand over your heart, and repeat after me: “I, *insert your name*, promise to be honest with myself and honest before God when I answer these questions.” Thanks guys! With all seriousness though, before you answer these questions, I want you to really examine every aspect of your life before you answer. This includes what you do, who you hangout with, where you go, and why you do what you do.

So how about we start with some warm-up questions. Here we go. Would you rather have cheese pizza? or pepperoni pizza? Now remember, when you answer these questions, you really need to make sure you are totally honest and complete sure that you know your answer. Ready? Ok. So who likes cheese pizza? Who likes pepperoni? Alright. We’re pretty much 50-50 on this one. Thanks for being honest guys.

Alright, here’s a question that is a little bit harder. Ready? Would you rather do Math? or English? Now this one could have more of an impact on your life. If you’re like me and do better at Math than English, you’re going to want to do a job that involves more math. For example, I want to be a missionary pilot. As a pilot, I’m going to need to do lots of math. But if you are a English person, you will be more successful in a job that involves more writing and communicating with other people. Thought out it? Who would rather do Math? Who would rather do English? Ok, we’re close to 50-50 on this question too. Let’s continue to be as honest as possible when we answer!

Ok, here’s tougher question. Who here has done something good this last week? No, this is not a trick question. When I say “good” I mean something that God would want you to do. Like saying something nice to someone or reading your Bible or not doing something sinful. Now remember to be honest. Ready to answer? Well, as expected, most of us raised our hands. I know that I did something good this last week. Doing good is a good thing!

We’re going to put the questions on hold for just a little while because I want to show you something I found underneath our washing machine. This is, to say the least, an absolutely filthy rag. (Please imagine an abhorrently disgusting piece of cloth. Although only few of your imaginations will come close to what it was actually like in reality, please imagine me holding it up when I refer to it in later on) I do not know how long it was there nor do I know what exactly this is on here. Here’s another question for you guys. Anybody want to use this to clean something? Anybody want to even touch it? or even get near it? Don’t need to think to long about that one do you!

Well, now that we have this beautiful visual in mind, I’m going to read a passage from the book of Isaiah. 

Isaiah 64:5-6
v5. You come to the help of those who gladly do right,
who remember your ways.

So we’re off to a good start here. God is willing to help us a be with us when we do what is right. God likes when we remember what He says and when we go out and do them. Let’s keep reading.

v5. You come to the help of those who gladly do right,
who remember your ways.
But when we continued to sin against them, 
you were angry.
How then can we be saved?
v6. All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags

Did I read that right? Did that just say that all our righteous acts are like filthy rags? Filthy Rags???  Remember when I asked you guys about good things you had done this last week? Well today I’m going to tell you something very important so listen closely: All the good that you’ve done amounts to nothing more than this filthy rag. That’s right. Even your righteousness is nothing but the sheer essence of putrescence and disgust. 

Now this rag is pretty gross by human standards, but imagine how this filth compares to the perfection and holiness of God! Imagine standing before the very presence of God, the Almighty of all the Universe, The King of King and Lord of Lords, and all you have to offer to him is a piece of cloth used to mop up your filth. Can you imagine? Do you think the God who is the very being of perfection could except such an offering? I know you hear this verse in Church a lot but let it sink in:

Romans 3:23
That all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

The best that you have to offer, your righteousness and your good deeds, only adds up to a filthy rag. You will never ever even be able to even come close to God’s standard of perfection. Just like how Adam and Eve were cast of the garden, if all you have to present to God when you die is your sin and your filth, then you will also be cast out into Hell for all of eternity.

Recap: 1) You can be good. 2) Your goodness is nothing but filthy rags. 3) God cannot except your filth. 

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death...

The punishment for our sinfulness is death. No matter how hard we try, we will be nothing but filthy rags and we deserve death because of it. But Praise the Lord there is a second half to this verse!

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death
but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: 
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

You see? Although we were still writhing in out filth and living in our disgusting sin, Jesus died so that we could saved from it!

Psalms 103:12
So far as the East is from the West,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Not only are we freed from living in our revolting sin, but it is cast away from us (I throw the rag far away) and we never again need to go back to it! 

Another Recap: 1) You can be good. 2) Your goodness is nothing but filthy rags. 3) God cannot except your filth. 4) Jesus saved you from your filth by dying on the cross. If this doesn’t hit home with you guys, I don’t know what will: Jesus, after being beaten and whipped to the point where he was barely recognizable as a man and after carrying a huge wooden cross around a city, hung on that same wooden cross with nails driven through his hands and feet. Although he was covered in blood from His wounds and covered in shame from the jeering crowd, he endured that death for you. He didn’t want you to suffer the eternal torment and suffering of Hell so he did that for you. He did it because he Loves you

And the worst part is that it’s so easy to forget this.

We get side tracked with Bible stories or learning how to be a “good samaritan” or how to read your Bible effectively. Not saying that these are bad because they are good things. But in the process of it all, we lose track and find ourselves slipping into the mentality that we are Christians because of the things we do. We go to church, we pray, we do what is right, and we subconsciously assume that these are the things that bring us eternal life. 

In closing, I’d like to ask you another question. Remember to be completely honest with yourself before God.

If you died right now, where would you go? 

Now the key to answering this question is what do you think about when I ask you this question, what do you think about? Do you think about what you’ve done? The sins you’ve committed? The things you didn’t do? The things you wish you could have done?

Or do you think about what Jesus has already done for you?

If you know that you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior but you are still hesitant to answer this question, I tell you this: 

Romans: 8:1
Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Jesus paid it all. You are freed and you are forgiven.  God has taken your filth from you and you can serve Him know that there is absolutely nothing that you can do that will make Him love you any less then He already does.

But if there are some of you out there and you know that you haven't accepted Jesus, well I’m here to tell you that it’s as easy as accepting Him.

Romans 10:9
If you confess with you mouth, “Jesus is Lord” 
and believe in your heart that God raise Him from the dead, 
you will be saved.

It’s so simple, it’s so beautiful, and it’s so perfect.

Its Jesus.

So if you don’t remember anything I’ve said (or read in your case) today except for one thing, please please please remember this: Jesus paid it all. He loves you and will free you from your sin if you let him. It is my prayer and my wish for you today that you remember this so that you may live in peace and love in Christ. Thank you.

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