Monday, September 17, 2012


I honestly believe that encouragement, genuine and pure encouragement from the heart, is one of the most potent blessings that one man bestow his fellow. In fact, the writer of Hebrew commands us to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together but encouraging one another." When we are encouraged, there is something beautiful and indescribable that happens inside each of us. In that sudden instant, we can go from feeling mediocre or from being broken too being suddenly lifted up. For that moment, life seems a little bit brighter. 

This post is primarily me showing joy and appreciation to those of you who have expressed your love for me through your letters, care packages, emails, Facebook messages, and phone calls of encouragement. You have made my weeks, days, and even hours here at college so much more incredible. I am so thankful for each of you and I love you all so much. God has blessed my life my tremendously through yours, so please accept my humble appreciation: Thank You.

Moreover, this post is also a declaration of how God, being who he is, has "blessed us with every spiritual blessing" (Eph.1:3). God has not just blessed me through your encouragement, but If I were to list all that He has blessed me with just within my 1st month here at MBI-Spokane, the list would be far longer than I'm sure you would ever care to sit through and read. That is why I give all the honor and all the glory to Him because He deserves it...and deserves more. I know that He could take everything away and leave me with nothing. Even if He did, it would be alright because He is sovereign and great. But this is what makes Jesus so phenomenal: He chooses to bless us. So I praise Him because He loves me beyond my imagination and is willing to bless me, a wretched man.

Thank you Jesus. I can never fully express my appreciation for what you do and who you are.

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