Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Literally Dropped In My Lap

As I sat at my desk working on an exegetical paper on a passage in Joshua, my roommate walk in and tossed something in my lap. Puzzled, I scooped it up and glanced at it as I asked him what it was. He said that it was a job application to a thrift store nearby and that I should check it out. At the time I was doing some serious job-hunting but had not had any positive results. Sure, there were lots of people praying that I would find a job, but in this economy and with the scarcity of jobs available, I must confess that I was doubtful to find anything (not to mention that my resume is not very impressive). The  application was for a local homeless outreach who ran a thrift store to support the homeless shelter across town. Working at a thrift store sounded like a good possibility, so I shrugged and started filling it out.

Fifteen minutes later, I was pedaling toward downtown on my bike eager yet unsure about submitting another application. The facility was very impressive and the staff quite professional. I submitted my application as well as my resume and as I walked out those doors I was hoping for the best.

4 weeks is a long time to not hear anything. When it comes to job applications, when you don't hear anything for an entire month, it usually means that you have been forgotten. That's OK, I thought, I'm sure that God will provide something else. Disappointment was something that I had gotten used by this point and I was on the verge of giving up many times.

Well thanks be to the God that never forgets us even if companies do. I received a very unexpected phone call in the other day that went something like this:

"Hello. Is this Joel Driscoll?"
"Yes it is. Can I help you?"
"The is Ms. Jane Doe from Union Gospel Mission. We were digging though some of our older applications and we stumbled across yours. We were wondering if you are still available for employment."
"Well I certainly am!" *fist pumping*
"Excellent. We'd like to meet you. Can you come in for an interview?"
"Certainly!" *more fist pumping*

You have probably guessed this already, but I went in for the interview, got the job, and will start working this Friday. As I look back and see how God provided this job, I see that He really did drop it in my lap. To those of you who were praying: Thank You.

How can I ask for any more than this? How can I ever forget that He will always provide? How can I ever doubt such a powerful God? He has given me no such reason. It blows me away how He has revealed Himself these first few months. It seems too easy to forget the goodness of God. Let us not forget who we serve and continue to trust in Christ our Savior and Lord for He is a good God.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (and to Him who drops wonderful things in our laps!), according to His power that is at work with in us, to Him be the glory in the church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
                - Ephesians 3:20-21


  1. Great to hear! I love it when God does things like this :)

  2. Praising God with you for His wonderful provisions!!
